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Bess' fav yoga clothing! creature yoga vinyasa clothing what to wear yoga clothes Sep 15, 2023

So we all know you can practice yoga in anything comfy. But after 20+ years of near-daily fieldwork I have discovered that not many things are properly comfy and practical for practicing all the weird and wonderful things that make up an āsana class - from comfy prāį¹‡Äyāma to things staying in...

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The Edit: Ana Gutierrez how to practice online students online yoga practice tips Aug 25, 2023

Welcome to our Edit series where we interview long-standing online students about their lives, their work, and their practice. A small way to show our love for you, our community.

Tell us about you? 

I was born and raised in Mexico, but I now live in a cute little town in the South of Paris,...

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Bessā€™ sequencing toolbox creature yoga unfolding the lotus vinyasa yoga vinyāsa yoga sequencing āsana Apr 17, 2023

Every yoga teacher has their own unique toolbox that they pull from in planning classes - a whole variety of elements, some of them universal (the phillips head screwdriver), some of them more particular to the teacher (your grandmother's pencil sharpener, anyone?!).

Here are some of the...

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Such equanimity is called yoga desire gita wisdom yoga yoga definition Apr 06, 2023

There are many, many definitions of yoga, which change according to the time period, the text, the tradition, the practice, and the teacher. This week I've been thinking about one definition that has helped me out when navigating challenges. It comes from the Bhagavad Gita, one of yoga's...

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Prāį¹‡Ä follows awareness asana awareness prana siva sivaratri yoga Apr 04, 2023

It's my birthday today (this is Bess writing) and I'm thinking about depth, and intentionality. It was Maha Śivaratri last night, the great night to worship Śiva - who is (among many things) the original yogi, the great meditator, pure consciousness. He is the opposite of superficiality. Modern...

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